Monday, March 29, 2010


How I got interested in being a bowling coach was bowling for Kennedy and seeing what a coach goes through and how much someone can teach someone thing in a little bit of time. When bowling for high school my coach always had new girls that never new what they were doing and so he helped them and got them to were they know what they were doing some what. That is something I really want to do is help someone with something there are interested in doing. Yeah they might not be as good as Norm Duke but they might like it the more they bowl and the more practice they better they will get. It just the time they have to put into it. If they put a lot of time into it they could get in to league or even into school bowling if your school has it. Bowling has always been a big part of my life and I would like to make it party of someone else’s. I would love to help someone make a dream or even start a dream. I would like to be the person to become someone that will be a coach for a long time. Start at a school and work my way up to 16-17 years or more. I want to be the coach people always talk about and come back and watch all the time. I would like to help a school get better or go to state every year. Also when people talk about the school they would send there kids there because they have a good bowling program and good education.

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