Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Book Review

The purpose of the book I read was to help people that are trying to get to be a better bowling learn by themselves. It is going to tell them how to set there feet. How to hold the ball, choosing a ball, your arm swing, timing, release and a lot more. Other purpose of this book is for people that are trying to become a coach. Yes they will still need to go to classes but this will also help when not understanding something you missed or just need to review everything. This book is mostly written for a coach. It tells a lot more that a coach would need to know more then someone trying to get better or just starting to bowl. When i first started just looking at the book and not reading it yet i thought it was going to be a very easy book. Pretty much common sense. When starting to read it there was stuff in there that i did not know. I have been bowling for 15 years and like i said there is some stuff in there that helped me out that i was doing wrong. It was a very interesting book when getting into reading it.

There was a lot of things interesting about this book. I think this book was very interesting because it talked about everything. Most of the time books like this just talk about the basic step. Like what ball to throw, how to throw it, how to stand, how to release and more.How bowling is in a bunch of countries. It talks about how bowling is so much different then today. How they only use to use 9 pins instead of 10. This is something i did not know and was very interesting information to me. I mean this book even tells you how a ball is made. I think one of the most interesting things about this book is that it tells you how bowling got started and what the sport of bowling is. The book I read though was a lot more detailed. It told you everything from choosing a ball to lane conditions to talking about how to keep score. I thought this was interesting because it is a very good book to teach someone new everything. It just so detailed it very nice.

There was not much that disappointed me about this book. I was very pleased with the book i picked and I would recommend this book to a coach or someone else that is trying to bowl. Very good book. The only thing that kind of disappointed me was that it talked a lot about how bowling started and how everything come up. I think it should have talked more about shots and lanes conditions.
I think this book could be a very good book for coach's to show there team. I think people should read this book because you could learn a lot from it. It very interesting and detailed. There is stuff in here that most people do not know. In less they have read it or have done some kind of research on bowling. I know a lot on bowling but this book did teach me something and has made my decision on being a coach more wanting. It makes me want to teach other people what I know and have learned from this project.

Monday, May 3, 2010

House shot

These last 5 patterns I have told you about are PBA shots. They are what the professionals bowl on. They are very hard shot and you have to be someone that knows what to when the shot is hard. Like move your feet move your mark. The most important thing to know what bowling on these shots are that you might not bowl the best. Some time you have to have the rest ball. If you have the right ball you could shot very well and would not have a problem on them. The professionals do and do not have problems on them just cause they have bowled on them for years and know what and what not to do.
The other bowling shot that I think is easy is the House shot. This is just an oil pattern that is laid down in most bowling alleys. This has a oil lay out of 38 feet of oil. This shot has a lot of oil in the middle of the lane. This shot is very easy. If you find your mark you will be one the rest of the day. Some times people have a hard time because a lot of people bowl in tournaments and every game they have to keep switching lane. Which means a lot of people will be bowling on them and the oil is going to get pushed around. It could jut all get pushed into the middle because a lot of people play out by the gutter. If you are left handed you always have a good shot on a house shot because there are not that many left handed bowlers and if you mark a shot for your ball to role over on the left side no one else is going to be throwing it so the oil is going to stay where it is at unlike the right side where there are tons of people that are right handed and the oil will move so much. What pushing the oil mean is that when your ball roles down the lane it is pinking up oil with it and also the stuff it is not picking up is getting moved to the side of the lane. Like where your ball is rolling it will get very dry right there and you might either have to move or throw the ball out father in to some of the oil. If that does not work you might have to move your feet and or speed up your ball. Either speed it up in your arm or in the feet. Speeding your feet up might throw your timing off which you will have either a weird release or might miss your mark. Your feet will be very off balance and you will fall over. Speeding up for ball will give the ball less time to role and react then if were going slow then it would have time to role and react.

Oil Pattern Cheetah

The next Oil Pattern I am going to tell you about is the Cheetah. The Cheetah is 35 feet of oil. The shot is pretty much playing the gutter. This shot is one of the most high scoring oil patterns. Bowling the Cheetah you have to risk throwing a gutter ball because you have to throw it so close to the gutter to get it to the head pin and to carry 10 pins of even single pins if that. People have to play out in the channel which is most the time out of people comfort zone because it is so far out. The style you throw Will determine where were ball starts to hook at arrows. Most of the time when trying to shot a good score on the Cheetah you will have to throw about the 5 or less bored. Throwing a straighter angle will probably be better off. This is not a oil Pattern to be using a weak ball. If your ball starts reacting more and your leaving single pins of hooking to far to the left you might want to try to switch more to an less aggressive ball. Try to bowl with a ball that has a good back end snap on it. I think the cheetah is one of the more easier one to shoot good one. I have had very good scores shot on it and if i had to pick any of them this is one of them i would choose before any of them.

Oil Pattern Chameleon

The last PBA oil pattern I am going to tell you about is the Chameleon. It is 39 feet of oil. A shot you have to know where to move and how to adjust on the lane. You would have to know what part of the lane to throw and to stick with it. A lot of people do struggle on this shot and when adjusting on these type of lanes you really need to move like 5 or more boards. Don't be afraid to. Cause you if you do not that you will have a very hard to shooting good on this shot. They call this shot the Chameleon because a Chameleons color changes and the oil on the lane can change at any time. If you were to miss the pocket you could leave single pins. This is a shot were everything is going to get pushed one way.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Oil Pattern Scorpion

Another one I am going to tell you about is the Scorpion. This is one of the longest patterns. It is 41 feet down the lane with oil. This is one of the most challenging patterns because it is very long. If you can find a good mark to throw you are going to struggle. You are going to need a very aggressive ball. Probably the most aggressive one you can find or buy. This shot is very hard. You have to find away to hit the pocket early. You have to keep the ball in and away from the gutter. This shot is one that you can not get out to close to the gutter like some of the other ones where you have to. You have to keep this one in and close to the head pin. If you were to get it to close to the gutter it could go in the gutter or you could maybe get just a few pins because it will never come back from way out by the gutter. You can shot this angle from different angles. The pattern will change from lane to lane. You might think you have a mark set out on one lane but if you were to go bowl on other lane or the lane right next to it everything will be different just because of all the oil that is going to get pushed around because not everyone throws the same line and shot. When wanting to bowl on this pattern you should probably find some where to practice first so you have an idea of what they are going to be like and so you can know where to move and what mark you could hit.