Friday, April 30, 2010

Oil Pattern Shark

The next oil pattern I am going to tell you about is the shark. I have also bowled on this shot and it is one of them that I liked. The Shark is 44 foot of oil. This is a lot of oil. You will have to move more toward the center. This shot is one or the risky ones. The way the named this oil pattern the shark is because sharks normally sit at the deep part of the oceans and the oil on the lane is very deep. This bowling shot you have to play inside. If you throw your ball out to close to the gutter you will have a less chance of the ball coming back and hitting the pocket. If you get it out to far you could leave stuff you don't want to leave like splits, single pins of just leave stuff that's ugly. When trying to hit the pocket with this shot you will have to hit it more straight on then coming in from the outside. This is give the pins more time to react. If you were to hit the pocket coming from more out by the gutter you would more then likely leave single pins or more. Just cause it does not have enough time to do anything except push everything one way. When bowling on the Shark you would need more of an aggressive ball. Most people feel if you have an aggressive ball you will shot better.

Oil Patterns Viper

There are 6 different professional bowling oil patterns. They are mostly bowled on by professionals from the PBA. One of those 6 are just a normal house shot. Which this is pretty much what every bowling alley lays down for either league or just open bowling. People think that these are easy and that anyone can do it. People think all you can do to move your feet and mark. Well some times its not that easy. People think who bowling 250 or better can just go bowl pro or bowl on one of the pro shots. Well wait till you get out there its not that easy. I have bowling on these and it is very hard. I thought I was good till i started this league and bowled on these.
One of the pattern is the viper. The length of the oil is 37 feet. Viper is one of the shortest oil patterns the professional bowl on. The ball will break earlier then the other oil patterns will. This oil pattern strikes with multiple angles of attack. When bowling on this pattern you should start more on the out side then you normally do. Move your feet more right if you are right handed and if you are left handed you would move your feet left. This will move your ball more outside then if you were standing left/right more. Try when throwing the ball to keep it a little straighter then normal will help it from not breaking early.When throwing a few from the oil will start to move and it will start getting dry were you are throwing with means you are going to have to move your feet either left/right to adjust to the lane condition. This makes people attack the pins from different angles. This pattern allows the ball to role more down the middle of the lane. The Viper is one of the most reactive patterns to shoot on. People that can read lanes well and move will be the ones that will shot very well one this shot. To some people this is a very easy shot but you have to have the balls that are meant for a short oil lane shot. If you have someone that is going to hook right away that might not be the best thing to use.

Monday, April 12, 2010

What I am going to do is interview a coach that has been coaching high school bowling for many of years. He has been bowling since he was a kid and is a very good bowling. He has been coaching for at least 19 years or more. He has helped a lot of kids and got a lot of kid going to good colleges and bowling for them. He has helped kids out that have no idea to what they are doing and then by the end of the year of bowling season they are on the right track and on there way to being a some what of a good bowling or even better. He is a very smart and talented guy. You ask him something he will talk your ear off by answering your question.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bowling Techniques

When it comes to bowling you have to constantly develop you own techniques. The skill that you will either learn or teach your self you have to be comfortable with. After you practice a lot you will start to understand more about bowling techniques. You swing and approach are very important skill to know. When you are working on your approach you have to work more on what your feet are like are and were you position your ball. Most of the time when positioning your ball it should be against your body even with your waist during your approach. Also when have to perfect you stance, you have to make sure it is correct and not off balance or your feet are not wrong.

The video I have put up is about how to stand with the ball in your hand and also how to move your arm with out it going out of control. There is a lot you need to know before u can be good. Have a good stance is very good. It can help you in a lot of ways. When you have a good position with your foot and arms it will help you swing. Your swing is one of the most important things in bowling. You have to have good timing, release and rotation. Timing is the key to being a good 200+ average bowler. Those three things i just named off all lead into each other. Timing helps your release with helps you rotation and you will have a good finish. Most of the time when you let go of the ball is when the rotation of the ball start working. When you finish your arm swing most of the time you should be pointing up or at the your mark. When bowling you could have someone watching you to make sure you are doing everything right now everything is on. One good way to work with your self if you have no one to help you at the time is to hook up and camera right behind the lane and start and stop it every time you are starting and finshing. That is a very good way to show your self what you are doing wrong because you can see what your doing wrong and not have someone tell you. When people see them self doing it wrong it is easier for them to fix it there self then trying to have someone tell them what they are doing and then tring to fix it.
These last 4 post I have done are mostly about what you would have to know to become a coach. There is a lot more but you mostly need to know how to teach someone how to stand right and how to position the ball. Someone that knows nothing about bowling but would like to get into it and they come ask you what they should get you could tell them what type of ball and what grips they can get and then work with them from there. After they have all the required stuff that you need for a beginning bowler. Then you as a coach can step up and ask the person if they need help or would like to have someone help them so they can become better. Some people do not like having a coach help them because maybe one of there parents are helping them or someone else. Everyone has a different way of teaching people and if two people are trying to teach someone how to bowl the person can get very mad and very upset because if you do the one thing one person told you and the someone else sees it and does not like it then he/see will come tell you that its wrong or that maybe there is something you can change can get very frustrating. When you get frustrated with an adult or even a coach they are not happy with you and when you need help they are not very helpful. Coaching sometimes can be a little harder then what people think it really is.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

About Bowilng

Bowling is a very interesting sport. You have to be really dedicated to bowling if you want to be good or get anything for it. You can get scholarship and awards. There are tournaments and stuff you can get into but a lot of them are very competitive. When I first started bowling I was about 3 years old and now i am 18 and have been through a lot in bowling. From learning how to throw the ball to Learning about to hook and move my mark. There are people that have been bowling for 4 to 5 years have are very good bowlers because they put there time and dedication into it.

This video I have posted shows you the first things about bowling. Like how you can read the lanes. The video shows the pin distance from where the beginning of the lane started. It also shows and tell what the arrows are that are on the lane and what pins they line up with. In bowling there are more things you need to know then you would think. There are arrows,dot,pin,boards, and a lot more. Like oil pattern and marks. It takes a long time for some people to understand the techniques.
Pretty much the hole point of bowling is to score the highest score and to beat other people. In most houses now they have synthetic surfaced lanes. A lot of the old houses have old lanes what are kind of hard to bowl on to a point. Bowling is a good exercise it burns calories and works muscle a lot of people do not use. It mostly works your tendons, joints, and ligaments. Its does not work just your muscles it also works on friendships and other relationships.